Only the most qualified attorneys are listed on
This site contains contact information for Kern County lawyers who have passed our screening test as experts in their area of law.
Unlike most attorney evaluation sites, this site does not charge any of the attorneys for the evaluation and we do not accept payment to change an attorney’s status on this site. An attorney who meets the qualifications is added to the list. An attorney who does not meet the qualifications is not added. The listed attorneys have NOT paid to be on this site; however, some have paid us for paralegal, writing, expert witness, computer, and other services. Each of the sponsors on the bottom of the page HAVE paid for add placement. We have met most of the attorneys on the list, but we have not personally met each of the attorneys on the list. Some are our friends; a few are on unfriendly terms with us, but each is listed because of their superior qualifications.
To be added to a section below, the attorney must:
- Have a primary practice in the county.
- Dedicate much or all of his or her practice to the listed area of law.
- Not have a record of incompetence with the California Bar.
- Be in practice five years or more.
- Be generally known to the site administrators as highly competent.
- Be published in a law book or journal related to his or her area of law, be certified by the Bar in the listed area of law, and/or make substantial pro bono contributions.
Attorneys are listed in random order.
Criminal Defense Attorneys
- H.A. Sala (661)322-1708
- Jared Thompson (661)327-1360
- Jeremy Brehmer (661)447-4384
- Bill Slocumb (661)324-1400
- J. Anthony Bryan (661)303-8806
- Kyle Humphrey (661)327-1360
- David Faulkner (661)324-4777
- Roger Lampkin (661)633-1234
- Joe Whittington (661)322-5833
- Elliot Magnus (661)395-0240
Family Law Attorneys
- Ed Thomas (661)322-1777
- Gregory Falk (661)325-3500
- George Horrigan (661)489-3100
- Michael Carlovsky (661)861-8540
- Roger Grass (661)327-2531
- Carl Hart (661)334-1600
- Fred McAtee (661)322-5943
- Ed Quirk (661)321-3200
Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Lisa Holder (661)395-1000
- Patrick Kavanagh (661)322-5553
- Robert Williams (661)323-7933
- Jacob Eaton (661)395-1000
- Max Gardner (661) 888-4335
- Phillip Gillet (661)323-3200
- Vincent Gorski (661)952-9740
Immigration Attorneys
- Sarah Rich (661)371-4350
- Win Eaton (661)742-7007
Estate Planning & Probate Attorneys
- George Manolakas (661) 395-1705
- Patrick Jennison (661) 324-2866
- Nancy Oehler (661)395-1000
For changes or additions to any list, or to sponsor this page, please visit our contact page.
Related Services
Some people who don’t need a full-service attorney can save considerable money by using a Paralegal, Licensed Document Assistant, Notary, Traffic School, or QDRO expert. We are, therefore, happy to recommend the following businesses:
Central Valley LDA – Affordable Legal Typing
Divorce – Restraining Orders – Custody – Support – Eviction – Guardianship – Conservatorship
List of Legal Document Assistants in the Central Valley